Alexis Wintrob

SUNDAY APRIL 6th, 2025 - 11: AM to 12:30 PM

‘A Fragrant Workshop for Young Explorers

Join us for a magical journey into the world of fragrances! Children will enjoy an interactive storytime followed by hands-on activities exploring the power of fun fragrances. The event is perfect for children ages 5  and up, this workshop blends storytelling with STEM learning as kids discover the fascinating science behind smells, create their own scent memories, and engage in fun aroma-based activities.

Children must be accompanied by an adult chaperone. The price of the ticket includes two books and a kit. Chaperone ticket is free of charge.

Package includes 2 Children’s books , 1 Scent Story Booklet with 15+ activities, 6 Child-friendly rollerball Fragrances (10 ml of Fragrance vials), Fragrance Blotters, Postcard Craft, Colored Pencils